Student Government Association



Spring 2021 VPCS Appointment 21U016 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-11-16
Undergraduate SGA Table 21U017 Undergraduate Passed 2020-11-16
Appointment of a Subject Matter Expert for JFC [Club Sports] 21J079 Joint Passed 2020-11-16
SGA Sustainability Strategic Plan 21J080 Joint Agenda 2020-11-07
Resolution in Support of Making Interviews an IAA 21J059 Joint Passed 2020-10-12
JPRC Undergraduate Bylaws Review Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2020-09-29
testbill 21G001 Graduate Tabled 2020-08-05
Fall 2020 Elections Schedule 21U002 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-07-14
Resolution on the International Student Crisis 21U001 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-07-11
***JAC*** AVE Equipment and Training for GTCC Joint Authored 2020-06-12
*Summer ULR Allocation* | Correction to Stipend 20U079 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-05-22
***JAC*** SCPC Fall Speaker Joint Awaiting Author 2020-04-28
A Resolution to Offer More Quiet Reflection Spaces on Campus 20J346C Joint Awaiting Author 2020-04-26
Funding for SCPC Virtual Programming 20U078 Undergraduate Passed 2020-04-14
Constitutional Changes to Impeachment 20U077 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-08
Constitutional Changes on the Topics of UHR Rep elections 20U074 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-07
Changes to Article 3, Section 4 of the bylaws 20U075 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-07
Resolution to increase voter turnout 20U076 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-07
Resolution to Hold Fall Special UHR Elections 20U073 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-06
JFC Policy Change - End of FY2020 20J360 Joint Agenda 2020-04-06
| 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |

Page 10 of 41, showing 20 records out of 802 total, starting on record 181, ending on 200