Airsoft Club at Georgia Tech



Yellow Jacket Airsoft Club Operation Registration 15J060 Joint Tabled 2014-10-13
Airsoft Club Spring 2023 Spending Bill 23J461 Joint Tabled 2022-12-05
Yellow Jacket Airsoft Club Funding Request 12J041 Joint Passed 2011-09-20
Yellow Jacket Airsoft Club Funding Request 12J090 Joint Passed 2011-11-01
Yellow Jacket Airsoft Club Funding Request 12J112 Joint Passed 2012-01-17
Yellow Jacket Airsoft Club Funding Request 13J027 Joint Passed 2012-08-30
Air-soft Team Practice Game Reimbursement 14J028 Joint Passed 2013-09-03
Air-Soft team equipment 14J033 Joint Passed 2013-09-10
Airsoft Field Fee Reimbursement 14J203 Joint Passed 2014-03-11
YJAC Airsoft Field Fee and PO Box 15J032 Joint Passed 2014-08-28
YJAC Airsoft Field Fees 16J063 Joint Passed 2015-09-24
End of semester off-site storage rental fees 16J234 Joint Passed 2016-03-31
YJAC Operation: Swift Justice Registration 15J120 Joint Passed 2015-02-02
Operation Faded Giant 4 16J058 Joint Passed 2015-09-25
BB's and Green Gas 16J059 Joint Passed 2015-09-25
Operation: Stonebreaker 16J128 Joint Passed 2015-12-08
Airsoft Club Locker Fee 17J009 Joint Passed 2016-08-30
Airsoft Club Field Fees 17J010 Joint Passed 2016-08-30
Airsoft Supplies 16J219C Joint Passed 2016-03-12
Operation: Dragon Rogue 3 16J211 Joint Passed 2016-03-12
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Page 1 of 3, showing 20 records out of 43 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20