Student Government Association



Sensory Based Stress Management Proposal - September 2023 Joint Awaiting Author 2023-09-08
Sensory Based Stress Management Proposal - September 22 2023 Joint Authored 2023-09-22
SEWB Budget Allocation Amendment 24J016 Joint Agenda 2024-03-13
SGA & RHA Soiree 19U055 Undergraduate Passed 2019-04-09
SGA Alumni Networking Brunch 20U057 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-02-10
SGA Annual Banquet 2017 17U041 Undergraduate Passed 2017-04-11
SGA AWS Usage for Jan-June 2019 19U025 Undergraduate Passed 2019-01-21
SGA AWS Usage for Jan-June 2019 19G185 Graduate Passed 2019-01-06
SGA Banquet Facility Funding 2025 25U054 Undergraduate Agenda 2025-02-03
SGA Banquet Food Funding 2025 25U053 Undergraduate Agenda 2025-02-03
SGA Banquet Funding 23U052 Undergraduate Passed 2023-03-09
SGA Banquet Funding 2025 25U055 Undergraduate Passed 2025-02-03
SGA Bluetooth Speaker 23U039 Undergraduate Passed 2023-01-17
SGA Bluetooth Speaker 23U030 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-28
SGA Bluetooth Speaker Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2022-11-30
SGA Debate Microphone Fee 24U067 Undergraduate Passed 2024-04-02
SGA Emergency Fund Informational Banner 24U062 Undergraduate Passed 2024-03-23
SGA Graduation Stoles 22U013 Undergraduate Passed 2021-10-04
SGA Graduation Stoles 23U053 Undergraduate Passed 2023-03-09
SGA Graduation Stoles 17U035 Undergraduate Passed 2017-03-27
| 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |

Page 22 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 421, ending on 440