Student Government Association



Community Relations Fall Events 24U024 Undergraduate Passed 2023-10-30
Article I Section 3 Subsection C Amendment 24U023 Undergraduate Agenda 2023-10-30
Tech Square Tabling Event 24U032 Undergraduate Passed 2023-10-31
Desk name tag holders for UHR meetings 24U025 Undergraduate Passed 2023-10-31
Procedure for Removal of Office- Executive Branch 24U026 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-06
IRIS Booth Final Allocation 24U027 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-06
Spring 2024 Elections Schedule and Apportionment 24U035 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-07
Elections Code Change-Social Media Clarification 24U028 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-07
Joint Resolution to Transfer IRA Reserves into PY Account 24J006 Joint Agenda 2023-11-09
Meet the Junior Reps Social 24U034 Undergraduate Authored 2023-11-14
Meet the Junior Representatives 24U033 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-14
UHR SGA Week Tabling 24U032 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-14
SAF Budget Allocation Amendment 24J007 Joint Passed 2023-11-14
***JAC*** Midnight Breakfast/Relaxation Fest Joint Authored 2023-11-15
***JAC*** Winter Wonderland Joint Authored 2023-11-15
SGA Student Needs Klemis Kitchen Cookbook 24U040 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-27
Resolution Recognizing and Commending Mrs. Marie Mons 24U039 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-28
Resolution Recognizing and Commending Dr. Archie W. Ervin 24U038 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-28
Resolution Recognizing and Commending Mr. Daren Hubbard 24U037 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-28
Resolution Recognizing and Commending Dr. Gerome Stephens 24U036 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-28
| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |

Page 20 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 381, ending on 400