Student Government Association



Wargames Lazer Tag 23U054 Undergraduate Agenda 2023-03-13
UWWG Plaques and Awards 23U055 Undergraduate Passed 2023-03-14
Resolution of Appreciation to the Elections Committee 23U056 Undergraduate Passed 2023-03-24
Black History Month Tabling Event 23U063 Undergraduate Passed 2023-02-05
GT World of Coke Day 23U064 Undergraduate Passed 2023-02-13
Pizza Funding for the Annual Meeting 23U065 Undergraduate Passed 2023-03-29
2023 Executive Cabinet Appointments 23U068 Undergraduate Agenda 2023-04-15
Desk name tag holders for GSS meetings 24G025 Graduate Passed 2024-02-29
Graduate Student Senate Attendance Bill 24G026 Graduate Passed 2024-03-01
GSGA Senate Officer Elections Amendment 24G027 Graduate Passed 2024-03-06
Funding of SGA Administrative Assistant 24J001 Joint Passed 2023-09-05
Student Activity Fee Prior Year and Capital Outlay Cap 24J002 Joint Tabled 2023-09-12
Student Activity Fee Prior Year and Capital Outlay Cap 24J002 Joint Passed 2023-09-12
SCEC Departmental Programming Allocation Bill 24J003 Joint Agenda 2023-09-12
Reallocating Funds from CO into PY (FY24) 24J005 Joint Passed 2023-10-17
Joint Resolution to Transfer IRA Reserves into PY Account 24J006 Joint Agenda 2023-11-09
SAF Budget Allocation Amendment 24J007 Joint Passed 2023-11-14
Reallocating Funds from CO into PY Part II (FY24) 24J008 Joint Passed 2024-01-16
FY25 SAF Budget Cap Reduction 24J008 Joint Passed 2024-01-29
[SAF Policy - JSAF] Transfer Between Accounts 24J011 Joint Passed 2024-03-25
| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |

Page 20 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 381, ending on 400