Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Graduate Executive Branch Bylaws Amendment 21G021 Graduate Agenda 2021-03-23
Graduate Executive Cabinet Appointments 18G001 Graduate Awaiting Author 2017-11-28
Graduate Judiciary Constitution Update Graduate Created
Graduate Judiciary Constitution Update 18G015 Graduate Passed 2018-01-29
Graduate Picnic 17G001 Graduate Passed 2016-08-25
Graduate Resolution Expressing Thanks 12G003 Graduate Passed 2011-09-11
Graduate Resolution for Practice Field Funding Graduate Tabled 2013-09-24
Graduate Resolution to Amend Quorum for GSS 13G006 Graduate Tabled 2012-10-31
Graduate Senate Attendance Bylaw Amendments Bill 23G029 Graduate Passed 2023-04-05
Graduate SGA Appointment to Mental Health Joint Allocation C 18G008 Graduate Passed 2017-11-07
Graduate SGA Banquet Graduate Created
Graduate SGA Banquet 19G020 Graduate Awaiting Author 2019-09-17
Graduate SGA Fall Picnic Food 22J025 Joint Agenda 2021-07-26
Graduate SGA Fall Picnic Food Joint Created
Graduate Student Experience Focus Groups 12G017 Graduate Passed 2012-04-09
Graduate student homecoming tailgate 22J131 Joint Agenda 2021-10-03
Graduate Student Outreach Legislative Standing Committee 24G015 Graduate Passed 2023-10-19
Graduate Student Senate - Spring 2016 Seat Allocations 16G008 Graduate Passed 2015-11-30
Graduate Student Senate Social 18G012 Graduate Passed 2018-01-23
Graduate Student Senate Social 18G016 Graduate Passed 2018-01-30
| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

Page 6 of 19, showing 20 records out of 368 total, starting on record 101, ending on 120