Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Recognizing the Incredible Accomplishments of Youngrak Park 22G014 Graduate Authored
On the Recognition of Exemplary and Groundbreaking Research 22G013 Graduate Awaiting Author
Resolution of Condolences - John Hartley 22G010 Graduate Passed 2021-12-06
Election of the 2022-2023 Graduate Student Senate Chair 22G009 Graduate Passed 2021-11-29
Resolution of Condolences - Shane Taylor 22G008 Graduate Passed 2021-11-15
Resolution of Condolences - Neil Anderson 22G007 Graduate Passed 2021-11-15
Resolution Commemorating Excellent Service – Ashley James 22G004 Graduate Passed 2021-09-25
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Chief Justice 22G002 Graduate Passed 2021-07-08
Resolution to Appoint New Graduate Justices 22G001 Graduate Passed 2021-07-08
Spring 2021 Joint Vice President and Committee Updates 21J150 Joint Agenda 2021-04-05
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Ardavan "Ari" Afshar 21J063 Joint Passed 2020-10-20
Resolution in Support of Fee Refunds 21J046 Joint Passed 2020-09-22
Resolution in Support of a Pass/Fail Option 21J038 Joint Passed 2020-09-22
Resolution on the Safety of Students and Workers 21J015 Joint Agenda 2020-09-08
Resolution in Support of Hazard Pay for Essential Workers 21J015 Joint Passed 2020-09-22
GSGA Banquet- Award 21G023 Graduate Passed 2021-03-30
Resolution of Condolences - Chengming “Julian” Gu 21G022 Graduate Agenda 2021-03-23
Graduate Executive Branch Bylaws Amendment 21G021 Graduate Agenda 2021-03-23
GSGA Polo Shirts 21G020 Graduate Passed 2021-03-15
Resolution in Opposition to Proposed SHIP Changes 21G019 Graduate Agenda 2021-03-01
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Page 6 of 19, showing 20 records out of 369 total, starting on record 101, ending on 120