Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



GSGA Election Code Section VII Amendment 23G015 Graduate Passed 2023-02-02
GSGA Election Code Section VIII Amendment 23G014 Graduate Passed 2023-02-02
GSGA Election Code Preamble Amendment 23G013 Graduate Passed 2023-02-02
GSGA Election Code Article II Amendment 23G012 Graduate Passed 2023-02-02
GSGA VP Student Life Nominee Mikayla Alves 23G011 Graduate Passed 2023-02-01
Nomination of Audheya Mannepalli as Senator, IAC 23G010 Graduate Passed 2023-01-12
Support for Graduate Student Parental & Medical Leave 23G005 Graduate Agenda 2022-11-18
GSGA Committee Structure Constitutional Amendment 23G004 Graduate Agenda 2022-11-16
GSGA VP Graduate Events Nomination - Ines Saih 23G003 Graduate Agenda 2022-09-08
Appointment of Senators to the Committee to Review Bills 23G002 Graduate Passed 2022-06-19
Snuggle and Cuddle 22J525 Joint Agenda 2022-04-03
Resolution Regarding Conference Fund maximum allocation 22J510 Joint Passed 2022-03-12
Spring Picnic SGA 22J446 Joint Agenda 2022-03-09
CRIDC 2022 Events Bill 22J277 Joint Agenda 2022-01-20
CRIDC Catering Bill - Networking Breakfast with Employers 22J263 Joint Agenda 2021-12-08
Graduate student homecoming tailgate 22J131 Joint Agenda 2021-10-03
Therapy Farm Animals on Campus 22J112 Joint Agenda 2021-09-27
Graduate SGA Fall Picnic Food 22J025 Joint Agenda 2021-07-26
Resolution of Condolences - Dr. Joseph Saleh 22G062 Graduate Passed 2022-04-26
On the Celebration of Graduate Student Appreciation Week 22G057 Graduate Passed 2022-04-04
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Page 4 of 19, showing 20 records out of 369 total, starting on record 61, ending on 80