Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Recognition of Senate Chair 19G004 Graduate Passed 2018-08-26
Recognition of Executive Cabinet Appointments 21G003 Graduate Passed 2020-08-16
Ratify Elections Policy 17G010 Graduate Passed 2017-02-21
Procedural Motion to Create an Ad-Hoc Committee to Review th Graduate Created
Procedural Motion to Create an Ad-Hoc Committee to Review th 20G021 Graduate Passed 2020-04-21
Procedural Motion to Create an Ad-Hoc Committee for Strategi 21G016 Graduate Passed 2020-10-20
President & Campus Leaders’ Monthly Meeting with Students Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
PhD Movie 2 Screening and Interaction with Jorge Cham 16J060 Joint Passed 2015-09-24
Paper for Senate Name Tags Graduate Created
Paper for Senate Name Tags 19G005 Graduate Passed 2018-08-26
On the Recognition of Exemplary and Groundbreaking Research 22G013 Graduate Awaiting Author
On the Modality of Meetings of the Graduate Student Senate 22G027 Graduate Passed 2022-01-31
On the Improvement of the Oath of Office 22G035 Graduate Passed 2022-02-19
On the Improvement of the Election/Nomination Process 22G031 Graduate Passed 2022-02-17
On the Elimination of the Special Institution Fee 22G029 Graduate Passed 2022-01-31
On the Eligibility of Online Grad Students to be Senators 22G026 Graduate Passed 2022-01-31
On the Consideration of Sonny Perdue for USG Chancellor 22G037 Graduate Tabled 2022-02-17
On the Celebration of Graduate Student Appreciation Week 22G057 Graduate Passed 2022-04-04
On the Celebration of EWeek 2022 at Georgia Tech 22G036 Graduate Passed 2022-02-21
On the Apportionment of Seats in the Graduate Student Senate 22G028 Graduate Failed 2022-01-31
| 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |

Page 7 of 19, showing 20 records out of 368 total, starting on record 121, ending on 140