Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator at-lar 21G008 Graduate Passed 2020-08-30
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator at-la2 21G018 Graduate Passed 2021-01-19
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator (SCB) 21G009 Graduate Passed 2020-08-30
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator (GMC) 21G007 Graduate Passed 2020-08-28
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator (Che) 21G010 Graduate Passed 2020-08-31
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator (Bio) 21G006 Graduate Passed 2020-08-28
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Chief Justice 21G005 Graduate Passed 2020-08-25
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Chief Justice 22G002 Graduate Passed 2021-07-08
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Chief Justice 22G033 Graduate Passed 2022-02-18
Resolution to Appoint New Graduate Justices 22G001 Graduate Passed 2021-07-08
Resolution to Appoint Charley Irons as Chief Justice of GJC 24G029 Graduate Agenda 2024-03-25
Resolution to Amend Article II of the Bylaws 22G055 Graduate Agenda 2022-03-28
Resolution to Amend Apportionment 22G056 Graduate Agenda 2022-03-29
Resolution to adjust quorum procedures in GSS 15G011 Graduate Passed 2015-04-03
Resolution Supporting the Minimester Initiative 18G019 Graduate Passed 2018-02-27
Resolution regarding the update of GSGA constitution Graduate Authored 2020-04-21
Resolution regarding the update of GSGA bylaws Graduate Authored 2020-04-21
Resolution regarding the mandatory fees for grad students 20G009 Graduate Agenda 2019-10-22
Resolution Regarding Graduate Conference Fund Access 17J046 Joint Passed 2016-09-26
Resolution Regarding Conference Fund maximum allocation 22J510 Joint Passed 2022-03-12
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Page 3 of 19, showing 20 records out of 369 total, starting on record 41, ending on 60