Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Resolution on executive cabinet appointment 20G005 Graduate Tabled 2019-09-09
Funding a federal work study position 20J237 Joint Tabled 2020-01-21
Establish Ad-Hoc Committee to Evaluate the Structure of GSGA 21G015 Graduate Tabled 2020-10-06
Resolution of Intent to Host an Int'l Food Sampling Tour 22G020 Graduate Tabled
On the Consideration of Sonny Perdue for USG Chancellor 22G037 Graduate Tabled 2022-02-17
Resolution to Resolve Issues Related to New Housing Policy Graduate Tabled 2024-09-12
GSGA Senate Elections Constitutional Amendment 25G002 Graduate Tabled 2024-10-03
Appointment of Graduate Executive Cabinet 12G001 Graduate Passed 2011-08-26
Graduate Resolution Expressing Thanks 12G003 Graduate Passed 2011-09-11
Appointment of Graduate At-Large Senators 12G004 Graduate Passed 2011-09-11
Appointment of Graduate Senator 12G006 Graduate Passed 2011-10-03
Appointment of Graduate Senator - David MacNair 12G007 Graduate Passed 2011-12-29
Appointment of Graduate Senator - Jeffrey Fisher 12G008 Graduate Passed 2012-01-09
Appointment of Graduate Senator - Biao Chang 12G009 Graduate Passed 2012-01-22
Appointment of Graduate Senator - Maryam Doroudi 12G010 Graduate Passed 2012-01-29
Appointment of Graduate Senator - Ivan Walker 12G011 Graduate Passed 2012-02-01
GTRIC 12G012 Graduate Passed 2012-02-07
GTRIC Judges Thank-You Ad 12G013 Graduate Passed 2012-02-13
Appointment of Graduate Senator - Patricia Andre 12G014 Graduate Passed 2012-02-13
Graduate Conference Fund 12J182 Joint Passed 2012-03-12
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Page 2 of 19, showing 20 records out of 369 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40