Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Recognition of Senate Chair 20G001 Graduate Awaiting Author 2020-01-05
GSS Budget Session Food and Beverage 20G014 Graduate Awaiting Author 2020-02-18
Recognizing Dr. George P. “Bud” Peterson, And Val Peters Joint Awaiting Author 2019-09-01
On the Recognition of Exemplary and Groundbreaking Research 22G013 Graduate Awaiting Author
Committee to Select JFC for 2022-2023 School Year Joint Awaiting Author 2022-08-07
GSS Authorization of Mandatory Student Fee Referendum Graduate Awaiting Author 2024-10-25
Clerical Amendments to Conference Fund Bylaws Graduate Awaiting Author 2024-11-14
GSS Election Timeline & Apportionment Amendment 25G023 Graduate Awaiting Author 2025-02-28
Creation of the Joint Historical and Archive Committee Joint Awaiting Author 2025-03-12
Appointment of Graduate Chief Justice Graduate Authored 2019-09-30
***JAC BILL*** AAPI Heritage Month Joint Authored 2021-03-12
***JAC*** Funding Request for GradChats Joint Authored 2019-09-12
GSGA Chief of Staff Nomination - Breanna Shi Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
GSGA VP Campus Services Nomination - Kiera Tran Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
***JAC REQUEST*** BME International Students Orientation Joint Authored 2019-10-08
GSGA VP Government Affairs Nomination - Haden Boone Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
GSGA VP Grad Communications Nominee - Anusha Srinivasa Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
GSGA VP Grad. Conference Funds Nominee: Evan Gotchel Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
GSGA VP Academic & Res. Nominee: Spenser Wipperfurth Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
GSGA VP Professional Dev. Nomination - Christian Coletti Graduate Authored 2022-09-08
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Page 16 of 19, showing 20 records out of 370 total, starting on record 301, ending on 320