SGA Records

Shreya Dubey Graduate College of Computing
Savannah Jaye Thomas Graduate College of Business
Shlok Natarajan Graduate College of Computing
Sivagami Nambi Graduate College of Computing
Sharadha Krishnappan Undergraduate Biology Representative
Stuart Allen Undergraduate Senior Representative
Sanat Moningi Undergraduate College of Computing Rep
Scott Mathis Undergraduate Member at Large
Sarah Tropper Undergraduate Architecture Representative
Scott Damerow Undergraduate School of Mechanical Engineering
Samantha Ibarra Undergraduate Sophomore Class
Scott Mathis Undergraduate Junior Representative
Sarah Nay Undergraduate School of Psychology
Sidartha Rakuram Undergraduate
Sarah Bartel Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
Sean Alexander Undergraduate Senior Class
Suhani Jain Undergraduate Freshman Representative
Samuel Ellis Undergraduate International Affairs Representative
Sam Medinger Undergraduate College of Business Representative
Sunny Thomson Undergraduate Mathematics Representative
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Page 5 of 7, showing 20 records out of 132 total, starting on record 81, ending on 100