SGA Records

Ryan Ma Undergraduate IT Board Internal Tools
Robert Price Undergraduate Building Construction Rep
Romil Mehta Undergraduate Computer Engineering
rana muhammad umer Graduate ECE
Rene Diaz Graduate Materials Science
Rachel Harris Graduate School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Riyan Mustaq Graduate Building Construction
Rebecca Berge Graduate Scheller College of Business
Raj Shah Graduate Building Construction
Rebecca Winarski Graduate Mathematics
Rachel Samuels Graduate Civil and Environmental Engineering
Richard Wang Undergraduate Speaker of the House
Rupesh Rajendran Graduate Senator at Large
Richard Wang Undergraduate
Rayyan Mahmood Undergraduate School of Physics
Riana Dawson Undergraduate School of Industrial Design
Ryan Dunn Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Representative
Rebecca Berge Graduate Scheller College of Business
Ryan Coder Graduate Aerospace
Robert Hannon Undergraduate ISyE Representative
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Page 1 of 4, showing 20 records out of 75 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20