SGA Records

Chirag Mendpara Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
Noah Shirk Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering
Mary Adams Graduate Materials Science and Engineering
Nagakishore Jammula Graduate
Walker Nance Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
Mashoor Al Ahammed Undergraduate Biology
Kaitlin Ahlstedt Undergraduate Junior Class Representative
Jayati Athavale Graduate
Sarah Schoemann Graduate LMC
Siddhesh Kulkarni Undergraduate Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Gabrielle Bales Undergraduate College of Computing Representative
Joy Kimmel Graduate Computational Science and Engineering
Alexander Crellin Undergraduate School of Music Representative
John Seabrook Undergraduate College of Business
Michael Manchiraju3 Undergraduate Computer Science
Aaron Capelouto Undergraduate Civil Engineering Representative
Katherine Wooten Graduate College of Business
Abigail Burke Undergraduate Freshman Class Representative
Jordan Collins Undergraduate College of Computing
Michael Ehmann Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
| 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 |

Page 54 of 63, showing 20 records out of 1254 total, starting on record 1061, ending on 1080