SGA Records

Alex Bandes Undergraduate Junior Class Representative
Karan Kashyap Graduate ECE
Evan Gillon Undergraduate Public Policy Representative
Jared Butler Undergraduate College of Computing Representative
Xavier Dorsey Graduate MBA
Alexander Letov Undergraduate Freshman Class Representative
Keerthi Vignesh Kumar Ganesh Graduate ECE
Murry Smith Undergraduate International Affairs Representative
Rohith Perumalla Undergraduate College of Computing Representative
Yueyi Sun Graduate Mechanical Engineering
Gillen Heisler Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
Rithesh Kumar Ravikumar Graduate Music Technology
Erin Gant Undergraduate Athletics Representative
Hannah Verboncoeur Undergraduate Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) Representative
Zihan Zhang Graduate PhD in Industrial Engineering
Laurel Lee Derby Undergraduate Senior Representative
Shardul Rawal Graduate ECE
Sarah Bartel Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
Mason Favro Undergraduate Economic Representative
Sean Alexander Undergraduate Senior Class
| 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 |

Page 29 of 63, showing 20 records out of 1254 total, starting on record 561, ending on 580