SGA Records

Kyle Holstein Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Representative - NRE
Emiliano Larach Undergraduate Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Grace Stephens Undergraduate Building Construction Representative
Blake Fisher Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering Representative
Clay McKinney Undergraduate Civil and Environmental Engineering
Julia Grey Undergraduate At-Large Representative
Caleb Jun Undergraduate School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ian Henrich Undergraduate Chemistry Representative
Jennifer Boudreau Undergraduate School of Modern Languages
Norris Nicholson Undergraduate Co-Op Representative
Jackson Caruso Undergraduate Freshman Representative
Rayyan Mahmood Undergraduate School of Physics
Athina Smick Undergraduate ChBE Representative
Monica Cahal Undergraduate School of History, Technology, and Society
Brendan Jones Undergraduate College of Business Representative
Divyesh Gutta Undergraduate Freshman Representative
Vikram Sahgal Undergraduate Psychology Representative
Daniel Gallagher Undergraduate ChBE Representative
Scott Damerow Undergraduate School of Mechanical Engineering
Xavier Galloway Undergraduate College of Computing Representative
| 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |

Page 14 of 63, showing 20 records out of 1254 total, starting on record 261, ending on 280