SGA Records

Nihar Ullal Undergraduate Industrial & Systems Engineering Representative
Narayan Shirolkar Graduate Former Graduate President (Do not select)
Nikhil Pailoor Graduate Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nikhil Malani Undergraduate Electrical and Computer Engieering
Nithanth Boggaram Satishprasad Graduate ECE
Nolan Bridges Undergraduate Computer Science Representative
Nolan Bridges Undergraduate Computer Science
Nishant More Graduate College of Design
Nithila Adin Thangaraj Graduate College of Design
Nate Knauf Undergraduate College of Computing Representative
Nate Knauf Graduate College of Computing
Nick Fazio Undergraduate College of Business Representative
Nitin Dalal Graduate College of Business
Ngozi Ozor Undergraduate College of Business
Norris Nicholson Undergraduate Co-Op Representative
Nicholas Robson Undergraduate Co-Op Representative
Noorullah Mahammad Graduate Civil Engineering
Nikhil Majmudar Undergraduate Business Representative
Nadia Post Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering
Natalie Seman Undergraduate Biology Representative
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Page 2 of 3, showing 20 records out of 55 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40