SGA Records

Nicholas Robson Undergraduate Co-Op Representative
Nicholas Picon Undergraduate President
Nathan J Mlot Graduate ME
Nicholas Buehler Undergraduate Member at Large Representative
Nagela Nukuna Undergraduate Undergraduate President
Nagela Nukuna Undergraduate Undergraduate President
Nithanth Boggaram Satishprasad Graduate ECE
Nancy Stewart Graduate International Affairs
Nick Anderson Undergraduate Member at Large
Nicholas Anderson Undergraduate Member at Large
Nick Fazio Undergraduate College of Business Representative
Nagakishore Jammula Graduate
Nana Obayashi Graduate
Natalie Brown Graduate
Neha Kondekar Graduate
Nisheeth Bandaru Graduate
Natalie Seman Undergraduate Biology Representative
Norris Nicholson Undergraduate Co-Op Representative
Niklas Dorsch Undergraduate Junior Class Representative
Nic Laconico Undergraduate Modern Languages Representative
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Page 1 of 3, showing 20 records out of 55 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20