SGA Records

Mihir Pathak Graduate Mechanical Engineering
Michael Ellis Graduate Aerospace Engineering
Merry Hunter Hipp Undergraduate Public Policy
Michael Kirka Graduate Mechanical Engineering
Marcel Said Graduate Chemistry and Biochemistry
Mallory Lefland Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering Representative
Marius Balla Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering Representative
Michael Tallini Undergraduate HTS Representative
Michael Boland Undergraduate INTA Representative
Michael Mosgrove Undergraduate Speaker of the House
Michael Qin Undergraduate Math Representative
Marlin Holmes Undergraduate Senior Representative
Mathias Rost Undergraduate Member at Large
Maryam Doroudi Graduate Biology
Muneeb Zia Graduate Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mark Wahl Graduate Management
Matt Redmond Graduate Mechanical Engineering
Megna Saha Undergraduate Sophomore Representative
Matthew Alin Undergraduate College of Computing Representative
Matt VerSteeg Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Representative
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Page 1 of 7, showing 20 records out of 124 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20