SGA Records

Megan Fechter Undergraduate Freshman Class Representative
Matthew Bowling Undergraduate College of Business Representative
Marcel Said Graduate Chemistry and Biochemistry
Muhammad Rizwan Graduate Electrical and Computer Engineering
Megan Fechter Undergraduate Sophomore Class President
Mallory Lefland Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering Representative
Marius Balla Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering Representative
Mahalakshmi Srinivasan Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering Representative
Matthew Bowling Undergraduate College of Business Representative
Monica Cahal Undergraduate School of History, Technology, and Society
Mary Latimer Undergraduate School of Industrial & Systems Engineering
Michael Tallini Undergraduate HTS Representative
Manali Patel Undergraduate International
Michael Boland Undergraduate INTA Representative
Michael Mosgrove Undergraduate Speaker of the House
Muhammad Razzaq Graduate Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mohit Srinivasan Graduate Electrical and Computer Engineering
Michael Qin Undergraduate Math Representative
Maulik Nasit Graduate Building Construction
Michael Sweeney Graduate Business
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Page 2 of 7, showing 20 records out of 124 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40