SGA Records

Jeongjin Park Graduate Computational Science & Engineering
Joy Kimmel Graduate Computational Science and Engineering
Jeffrey Fang Undergraduate Computer Science Representative
Jay Michal Undergraduate Director of Internal Affairs
James Hite Graduate Earth and Atmospheric Science
James Hite Graduate Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Jessica Block Graduate ECE
Jeremy Hicks Graduate ECE
James Kepner Undergraduate Econ Rep
James Kepner Undergraduate Economics
Jack Bush Graduate Electrical and Computer Engineering
John Blasco Graduate Electrical and Computer Engineering
Josiah Rudge Graduate Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jonathan Tuck Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Representative
Johann Weber Graduate Executive Vice President
Jae Shin Undergraduate Freshman Class Representative
Jasper Narvil Undergraduate Freshman Class Representative
Jackson Caruso Undergraduate Freshman Representative
John Connelly Graduate Industrial & Systems Engineering
Juan` Tovar Undergraduate Industrial & Systems Engineering Representative
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Page 3 of 6, showing 20 records out of 107 total, starting on record 41, ending on 60