SGA Records

Decker Onken Undergraduate Vice President of Finance
Divyesh Gutta Undergraduate Freshman Representative
Daniel Gallagher Undergraduate ChBE Representative
Dillon Notz Undergraduate Electrical and Computer Engineering Representative
Daniel Farmer Undergraduate Vice President of Finance
Daniel Hull Undergraduate College of Computing Representative
Daryl Halima Undergraduate College of Computing
David Folger Undergraduate Junior Class
Daniel Forrest Undergraduate ISyE Representative
Dean Thoms Undergraduate School of Mechanical Engineering
David Southern Undergraduate Management Representative
Daniel Mendel Undergraduate Physics Representative
Derek Jett Undergraduate Member at Large
Dana Krzyzaniak Undergraduate Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Representati
David Bat Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Representative
David Bat Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering
Dae’Shawn Taylor Undergraduate Speaker of the House
David Jozefov Undergraduate Senior Class Representative
David Bat Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Representative
David Bat Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Representative
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Page 1 of 4, showing 20 records out of 66 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20