SGA Records

Austin Ladshaw Graduate Civil & Environmental Engineering
Alex Berry Undergraduate Junior Class Representative
Andrew Isaac Leland Block Undergraduate Speaker of the House
Aaron Capelouto Undergraduate Civil Engineering Representative
Alex Fried Undergraduate Business Representative
Adam Greenstein Undergraduate Senior Representative
Amy Lee Undergraduate Business Representative
Andy Loper Undergraduate Senior Representative
Adhithya Rajasekaran Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Representative
Anuraag Bahl Undergraduate ISyE Representative
Alina Zelikovskaya Graduate Business
Amir Hosseinnia Graduate ECE
Anju Suresh Undergraduate Industrial & Systems Engineering Representative
Andrea Fletcher Undergraduate College of Computing
Alex Grady Undergraduate Athletics Representative
Andrew Hallacy Undergraduate Senior Representative
Andrew Schneider Graduate Applied Physiology
Abhinav Malhotra Graduate ChBE
Ayush Sharma Graduate ECE
Auzita Irani Graduate CS
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Page 2 of 8, showing 20 records out of 159 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40