Student Government Association



Government Relations Runoff Election Coffee / Cookies 22U026 Undergraduate Passed 2021-11-16
Establishing a Tributes Committee 22U025 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-11-16
Undergraduate Judiciary Cabinet Meeting Refreshments 22U024 Undergraduate Passed
Undergraduate House of Representatives Meeting Refreshments 22U023 Undergraduate Passed 2021-11-15
Appointment of an Undergraduate JFC Members 22U022 Undergraduate Passed 2021-11-02
Spring 2022 VPEA Appointment 22U021 Undergraduate Passed 2021-11-08
UJC New Justice Approvals: 2021-2022 22U020 Undergraduate Passed 2021-10-26
Campus Electrification by 2030 22U017 Undergraduate Passed 2021-10-12
SGA Week 2021 22U015 Undergraduate Passed 2021-10-05
Resolution on the BOR's Consideration of Tenure Procedures 22U014 Undergraduate Passed 2021-10-05
Creating the Health + Wellbeing Policy Development Committee 22U012 Undergraduate Passed 2021-10-04
SRC Committee Charter 22U008 Undergraduate Passed 2021-09-28
SGA Graduation Stoles 22U007 Undergraduate Passed 2021-09-26
TEIC Charter 21-22 22U006 Undergraduate Passed 2021-09-21
Wreck the Vote Fall 2021 Stickers 22U005 Undergraduate Passed 2021-09-14
Creation of Career Advancement JAC 22J461 Joint Passed 2022-03-28
Resolution Recognizing and Commending Alumnus Andre Dickens 22J306 Joint Agenda 2022-01-26
Clarify EVP Assumption of President Position Due to Vacancy 22G061 Graduate Failed 2022-04-13
Amend Section II in GSGA Elections Code 22G060 Graduate Agenda 2022-04-11
Committee to Review bills 22G059 Graduate Passed 2022-04-11
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Page 5 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 81, ending on 100