Student Government Association



2022 Executive Cabinet Appointments Joint Created
Jerry Cox Resolution Undergraduate Created
Resolution Recognizing and Commending Alumnus Andre Dickens Joint Awaiting Author 2022-01-24
Senate Communications Bylaws Amendment Graduate Created
Executive Order to appoint Special Assistant Julianna Velaj Undergraduate Authored 2023-05-15
Appointment of 2023 UJC Chief Justice - Maeve Janecka Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2023-01-14
SGA Week Funding Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2021-10-05
Resolution to increase voter turnout Undergraduate Created
test bill Joint Created
***JAC*** Ramblin' Reck Club Bookmobile Books Joint Authored 2024-08-12
***JAC*** SCPC Fall Speaker Joint Awaiting Author 2020-04-28
*Summer ULR Allocation* | Zeta Week Event Funding Undergraduate Created
***JAC*** AVE Equipment and Training for GTCC Joint Authored 2020-06-12
Resolution on the International Student Crisis Joint Created
*Executive Order* Arts Ad Hoc Committee Undergraduate Created
VITA IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Graduate Authored 2023-02-26
Sickle Cell Blood Drive (CDACxNAACP) Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2024-09-03
Resolution on COVID-19 Accommodations Undergraduate Created
2020-2021 Undergraduate SGA Banquet Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2021-04-06
RSO Allocation Reform Committee '22 Joint Created
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Page 1 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20