Student Government Association



JFC Budget Hearings 14U027 Undergraduate Passed 2014-01-20
*Summer ULR Allocation* | Correction to Stipend 20U079 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-05-22
*Summer ULR Allocation* | Zeta Week Event Funding Undergraduate Created
Campus Electrification by 2030 22U017 Undergraduate Passed 2021-10-12
Fall 2024 Cabinet Appointments 25U007 Undergraduate Passed 2024-08-26
JFC Request for Budget Review 18U032 Undergraduate Passed 2018-01-27
Annual Executive Branch Bylaws Amendment 21U035 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-03-22
Allocation to Undergraduate Student Government 13U043 Undergraduate Passed 2013-04-25
Community Relations Flyers 16U020 Undergraduate Passed 2016-02-04
Appointment of the Undergraduate Executive Cabinet 18U001 Undergraduate Passed 2017-08-29
Appointment of Chairman Pro Tempore 13U015 Undergraduate Tabled 2012-10-22
Undergraduate SGA Yearbook Feature '12-'13 13U016 Undergraduate Passed 2012-10-22
Additional Executive Cabinet Appointments 12U005 Undergraduate Tabled 2011-09-01
Resolution to Create Adhoc Committee - SGA Restructuring 17U014 Undergraduate Passed 2016-11-21
Resolution on the International Student Crisis 21U001 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-07-11
SGA Holiday Soiree 17U013 Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2017-09-14
Fall 2020 Elections Schedule 21U002 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-07-14
Legislative Bylaws Review 21U039 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-03-30
Appointment of Undergraduate Executive Cabinet 16U003 Undergraduate Passed 2015-08-22
SGA Retreat 2015 16U004 Undergraduate Passed 2015-08-22
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |

Page 4 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 61, ending on 80