Student Government Association



SGA Week Funding Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2021-10-05
UJC New Justice Approvals: 2022-2023 23U037 Undergraduate Passed 2023-01-14
SGA Week 13U014 Undergraduate Passed 2012-10-17
Resolution to increase voter turnout Undergraduate Created
Elections Code Amendment Freshmen Representative Elections 23U020 Undergraduate Passed 2022-08-30
SpongeBob Bill [UHR Orientation--Please Ignore VPF] 20U005 Undergraduate Tabled 2019-08-20
Resolution to increase voter turnout 20U076 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-07
Resolution on the BOR's Consideration of Tenure Procedures 22U014 Undergraduate Passed 2021-10-05
Constitutional Changes to Impeachment 20U077 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-04-08
Resolution in Support of Student Integrity at Georgia Tech 16U022 Undergraduate Tabled 2016-02-01
Georgia Tech Day at the Capitol Bus Funding 17U012 Undergraduate Passed 2016-11-08
Rep Name Tags Order 17U011 Undergraduate Passed 2016-11-08
Appointment of Undergraduate Parliamentarian 12U004 Undergraduate Passed 2011-08-30
Thank-a-Teacher Day 18U031 Undergraduate Passed 2018-01-23
Funding for SCPC Virtual Programming 20U078 Undergraduate Passed 2020-04-14
Appointment of Undergraduate VP of Communications 16U021 Undergraduate Passed 2016-02-02
Executive Order to appoint Special Assistant Andrew Berry 25U003 Undergraduate Agenda 2024-08-21
Appointment of House Leadership 14U026 Undergraduate Passed 2014-01-19
SGA Incentives Program 15U006 Undergraduate Passed 2014-10-05
Executive Order to appoint Special Assistant Jeremy Leurart 25U002 Undergraduate Agenda 2024-08-21
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Page 3 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 41, ending on 60