Student Government Association



Resolution on the proper usage of SGA, USGA, and GSGA brands 24G024 Graduate Passed 2024-02-29
Resolution on Lesser Authority of Governing Documents 22G053 Graduate Agenda 2022-03-04
Appointment of Graduate Executive Cabinet 15G004 Graduate Passed 2014-08-25
Resolution for Financial Assistance for Acts of War 22G052 Graduate Passed 2022-03-04
Appointment Bylaw Change Graduate Failed 2022-08-14
Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Resource Accessibility 23G024 Graduate Passed 2023-02-15
Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Resource Accessibility II 23G019 Graduate Agenda 2023-02-15
Appointment of Senator 13G004 Graduate Tabled 2012-09-24
Get WasteLess 2020-GLR 20G017 Graduate Agenda 2020-03-05
Bylaw Amendment: SGA Mission and Vision Statement 15G001 Graduate Passed 2014-09-11
test bill Graduate Created
On the Board of Regents Consideration of Tenure Procedures 22G006 Graduate Passed 2021-10-05
Appointment of At-Large Senators 15G002 Graduate Passed 2014-09-15
GLR Funding for Graduate LaTeX Training 15G003 Graduate Passed 2014-09-15
Joint Res. on SGA Presidents and Legislatures 13J060 Joint Passed 2012-10-02
Funding for Campus MovieFest 2013 Conference 13J205 Joint Passed 2013-03-29
Resolution Recognizing Dr. Carole Moore 14J100 Joint Passed 2013-11-19
***JAC REQUEST*** GTCC Weighted Blanket Project Joint Awaiting Author 2018-08-30
Joint Appointment of Joint Finance Committee Chair 12J001 Joint Passed 2011-08-26
2022 Executive Cabinet Appointments Joint Created
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Page 4 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 61, ending on 80