Student Government Association



Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Resource Accessibility II 23G019 Graduate Agenda 2023-02-15
Promoting Safety and Awareness Through the LiveSafe App 23G023 Graduate Passed 2023-01-17
Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Resource Accessibility 23G024 Graduate Passed 2023-02-15
Funding SOFO Positions 23J001 Joint Failed 2022-06-13
Executive Order to Enable a Temporary SAF Allocation Process 23J008 Joint Agenda 2022-06-30
test 23J121 Joint Tabled 2022-08-31
FreShGA Pies for Pause 23J396 Joint Tabled 2022-11-08
Modeling Mania 23J398 Joint Agenda 2022-11-08
Reallocating Funds from CO into PY 23J569 Joint Passed 2023-01-24
Amendment to SAF Policy - Article XI 23J740 Joint Passed 2023-02-23
Amendment to SAF- Article IX 23J796 Joint Passed 2023-03-06
Amendment to SAF Policy Article 3.3 23J864 Joint Passed 2023-04-03
Reallocating Funds from CO into PY (Part 2) 23J865 Joint Passed 2023-04-04
Resolution for AAPI Student Resources on Campus 23J908 Joint Passed 2023-04-11
Fall 2022 Elections Schedule 23U002 Undergraduate Passed 2022-08-23
Resolution on COVID-19 Protocols 23U005 Undergraduate Passed 2022-09-06
Elections Code UHR Jurisdiction Bylaw Amendment 23U006 Undergraduate Passed 2022-09-06
Election day early voting GT bus charter fees 23U007 Undergraduate Passed 2022-09-06
Midtown Fridge Grocery Infusion 23U008 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-09-12
Resolution of Condolences - Brian To 23U009 Undergraduate Passed 2022-09-13
| 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 |

Page 38 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 741, ending on 760