Student Government Association



Annual SGA Banquet 14U042 Undergraduate Passed 2014-04-07
Annual Executive Branch Bylaws Amendment 21U035 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-03-22
Amendment to SAF- Article IX 23J796 Joint Passed 2023-03-06
Amendment to SAF Policy Article 3.3 23J864 Joint Passed 2023-04-03
Amendment to SAF Policy - Article XI 23J740 Joint Passed 2023-02-23
Amendment to Graduate Student Senate Bylaws 22G011 Graduate Tabled 2021-12-06
Amending USGA Constitution 19U042 Undergraduate Tabled 2019-02-26
Amending the Policy of the Joint Finance Committee 14J094 Joint Passed 2013-11-12
Amending By Laws of USGA 14U043 Undergraduate Passed 2014-04-07
Amending Away Event Funding for Community Service Orgs 20J238 Joint Passed 2020-01-17
Amend the Constitution to adjust number of Members at Large 14U030 Undergraduate Passed 2014-02-05
Amend Section II in GSGA Elections Code 22G060 Graduate Agenda 2022-04-11
Amend JFC Policy 14J157 Joint Passed 2014-02-18
Allow students to have Hybrid Learning 22G058 Graduate Authored 2022-05-22
Allocation to Vitalis Colony of Alpha Rho Chi Frate 14U032 Undergraduate Failed 2014-03-18
Allocation to Undergraduate Student Government 13U043 Undergraduate Passed 2013-04-25
Allocation to Student Government Association 13U013 Undergraduate Passed 2012-10-11
Allocation to SGA: Sustainability Committee Greenovation 15U018 Undergraduate Passed 2015-01-25
Allocation of Stipends for GSGA VP Comm. & UGSGA Dir. of IA 15J093 Joint Passed 2015-01-05
Allocation for a Display Board 14U021 Undergraduate Passed 2013-11-11
| 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 |

Page 37 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 721, ending on 740