Student Government Association



JCOC Policy Updates August 2018 19J017 Joint Passed 2018-08-27
A Resolution to Offer More Quiet Reflection Spaces on Campus 20J346C Joint Awaiting Author 2020-04-26
JacketPages Development 14J102 Joint Passed 2013-11-14
#GTjoy2015 15J188 Joint Passed 2015-03-31
Inclusive Leadership Conference Budget Joint Awaiting Author 2020-03-06
Resolution for AAPI Student Resources on Campus 23J908 Joint Passed 2023-04-11
Appointment of Joint Undergraduate Cabinet Members 19J019 Joint Passed 2018-08-28
***JAC*** Non-Invasive Mental Health Application Joint Awaiting Author 2019-05-28
GT Night at the Woodruff 15J016 Joint Passed 2014-09-14
Resolution Expressing Condolences: William Rountree 17J070 Joint Passed 2016-10-16
Resolution Reaffirming the Good Word 14J099 Joint Passed 2013-11-18
***JAC***Global Media Festival on Mental Health Joint Awaiting Author 2019-11-06
Institute-Wide Committee Appointments 13J046 Joint Passed 2012-10-01
***JAC REQUEST*** GT Counseling Center Assessment Program Joint Awaiting Author 2018-08-30
Graduate Senate Bylaw Amendment addressing Apportionment 22G017 Graduate Tabled 2022-01-24
Resolution of Condolences - Anne Robinson Clough 22G016 Graduate Passed 2022-01-24
Georgia Tech SGA Senate Transparency Act 23G008 Graduate Passed 2023-01-13
Home for the Holidays Gift 17G003 Graduate Passed 2016-10-31
Resolution addressing Parliamentary Procedure 22G022 Graduate Tabled 2022-01-27
Senate Communications Bylaws Amendment Graduate Created
| 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 |

Page 37 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 721, ending on 740