Student Government Association



Resolution to Re-Encumber Funds - SGA Week T-Shirts 16U016 Undergraduate Passed 2015-11-08
Policy Week Keynote Equipment 19U050 Undergraduate Passed 2019-03-24
SGA Ad in Blueprint 15U026 Undergraduate Passed 2015-02-23
GT Hawks Night 19U014 Undergraduate Passed 2018-11-11
Volunteer Showcase: SGA Community Relations and MOVE 20U059 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-02-17
Bi-Monthly Tabling (Reimbursement) Undergraduate Authored 2019-03-25
Spring 2021 Elections Committee Members Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2021-01-15
Wreck the Vote Fall 2021 Stickers 22U005 Undergraduate Passed 2021-09-14
SGA Retreat 2016 17U005 Undergraduate Passed 2016-09-12
Home for the Holidays Thank You Note Stationary 18U013 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-12
SGA x STAR Services Emergency Resource Guide 24U053 Undergraduate Passed 2024-02-12
FreShGa The Final Stand 2017 Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2017-11-13
2020 Executive Cabinet Appointments 20U061 Undergraduate Passed 2020-02-17
Sustenance for RUALS on 24th Feb for Budgets Meeting 20U060 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-02-18
Varsity at the Varsity 17U032 Undergraduate Passed 2017-03-09
Spring 2021 Elections Committee Members 21U019 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-01-18
Freshman Representatives - Swearing-In 13U005 Undergraduate Tabled 2012-09-11
FreShGA The Final Stand 2017 18U011 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-13
Spring 2021 Elections Schedule 21U020 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-01-18
Housing committee Off-Campus housing fair tabling 25U067 Undergraduate Passed 2025-03-03
| 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |

Page 36 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 701, ending on 720