Student Government Association



Appointment of Justices to the UJC 12U023 Undergraduate Passed 2012-03-29
I <3 GT Week 12U022 Undergraduate Passed 2012-03-12
Appointment of New Representatives 12U021 Undergraduate Passed 2012-03-01
SGA Week- Spring 2012 12U020 Undergraduate Passed 2012-02-19
Appointment of New Representatives 12U019 Undergraduate Passed 2012-02-05
Page in the Yearbook 12U018 Undergraduate Passed 2012-01-24
Appointment of New Representatives 12U017 Undergraduate Passed 2012-01-16
SGA Week 2011 12U014 Undergraduate Passed 2011-10-19
Appointment of New Representatives 12U013 Undergraduate Passed 2011-10-10
Appointment of Justices to the UJC 12U012 Undergraduate Passed 2011-10-01
Appointment of Senior Class Representative 12U011 Undergraduate Passed 2011-09-21
Keep the 'T' in Tech 12U010 Undergraduate Passed 2011-09-27
Executive Vice-President Stipend Correction 12U007 Undergraduate Passed 2011-09-11
Additional Executive Cabinet Appointments 12U005 Undergraduate Tabled 2011-09-01
Appointment of Undergraduate Parliamentarian 12U004 Undergraduate Passed 2011-08-30
Appointments of Council Representatives 12U003 Undergraduate Passed 2011-08-26
Undergraduate Student Council Committee Chairs 12U002 Undergraduate Passed 2011-08-26
Undergrad. Student Council Executive Appointments 12U001 Undergraduate Passed 2011-08-26
Bike Repair Station 12J187 Joint Passed 2012-03-24
Georgia Tech Night at the Hawks Game 12J185 Joint Passed 2012-03-12
| 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 |

Page 34 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 661, ending on 680