Student Government Association



FY20 JFC Policy Updates 19J326 Joint Agenda 2019-04-08
FY14 Budget 13J182 Conference Passed 2013-03-11
FY 15 Budget 14J200 Joint Passed 2014-03-31
Funds for the April APS Meeting 2013 13J139 Joint Passed 2013-02-05
Funding SOFO Temp Positions Joint Authored 2022-07-17
Funding SOFO Positions 23J001 Joint Failed 2022-06-13
Funding for SCPC Virtual Programming 20U078 Undergraduate Passed 2020-04-14
Funding for MLK Week Birmingham Bus Tour 13J065 Joint Failed 2012-10-21
Funding for Campus MovieFest 2013 Conference 13J205 Joint Passed 2013-03-29
Friday Buzz SGA Funding Request 14U040 Undergraduate Passed 2014-04-01
Freshman Screen on the Green 16J235 Joint Passed 2016-03-31
Freshman Representatives Meet the Reps. Event 24U040 Undergraduate Passed 2024-01-09
Freshman Representatives Meet the Reps. Event 24U057 Undergraduate Passed 2024-01-30
Freshman Representatives - Swearing-In 13U005 Undergraduate Tabled 2012-09-11
Freshman elections for 2019 19U054 Undergraduate Passed 2019-04-05
FreShGa The Final Stand 2017 Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2017-11-13
FreShGA The Final Stand 2017 18U011 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-13
FreShGA The Final Stand 2016 17U010 Undergraduate Passed 2016-11-03
FreShGA Retreat 2019 20U006 Undergraduate Passed 2019-08-14
freShGA Retreat 2015 16U005 Undergraduate Passed 2015-08-28
| 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |

Page 27 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 521, ending on 540