Student Government Association



Mental Health Bill / Creation of JAC 18J108 Joint Passed 2017-10-30
Meet the Sophomore Representatives Event 25U042 Undergraduate Passed 2024-11-19
Meet the Junior Representatives 25U020 Undergraduate Passed 2024-09-30
Meet the Freshman Representatives at Tech Green! 25U036 Undergraduate Passed 2024-10-27
Mars City Design Awards and Ceremony 19J121 Joint Tabled 2018-09-26
Line Change Request Approval - FY20 Budget: Tier II Joint Tabled 2019-08-29
Light the Night with the Gold and White 18J137 Joint Passed 2017-11-27
Library Renovation 13J221 Joint Passed 2013-04-14
Legislative Bylaws Review 21U039 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-03-30
Keep the 'T' in Tech 12U010 Undergraduate Passed 2011-09-27
JPRC Undergraduate Bylaws Review Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2020-09-29
Joint Resolution to Transfer Funds 13J159 Joint Passed 2013-02-25
Joint Resolution to Re-Encumber Funds - Conference Funds 16J107 Joint Passed 2015-11-08
Joint Resolution to Re-encumber Funds 13J070 Joint Passed 2012-10-09
Joint Resolution to Lower Tier Status 14J039 Joint Passed 2013-09-16
Joint Resolution to Change Tier Status 14J019 Joint Passed 2013-09-05
Joint Resolution to Approve New Position in L&CE 16J228 Joint Passed 2016-03-21
Joint Resolution to Amend JFC Policy (Stipends) 14J209 Joint Passed 2014-04-14
Joint Resolution to Amend FY14 Budget 13J225 Joint Passed 2013-04-18
Joint Resolution Supporting FirstGen & Star 18J126 Joint Passed 2017-11-12
| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |

Page 20 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 381, ending on 400