Student Government Association



Spring 2018 Elections Code 18U036 Undergraduate Passed 2018-02-03
Ramblin' Reps Buttons 18U045 Undergraduate Passed 2018-03-13
SGA Banquet 18U053 Undergraduate Passed 2018-04-09
GT Wreck the Vote 2016 Sticker Funding 17U003 Undergraduate Passed 2016-09-02
Resolution to Approve FreShGA's Constitution Revisions 17U004 Undergraduate Passed 2016-09-04
Campus MovieFest 2016 17J026 Joint Passed 2016-09-11
Updates to Joint Finance Committee (JFC) Policy - FY17 17J056C Joint Passed 2016-10-02
JFC Policy Changes Spring 2018 18J266 Joint Passed 2018-04-09
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Governor Zell Miller 18J265 Joint Passed 2018-04-10
UHR Legislative Tools 19U003 Undergraduate Passed 2018-08-28
Bylaws Update Fall 2018 19U004 Undergraduate Passed 2018-08-28
SGA Week 17U006 Undergraduate Passed 2016-10-04
SGA Softball Tournament 17U007 Undergraduate Passed 2016-10-13
Home for the Holidays Host Gift 17U009 Undergraduate Passed 2016-10-31
Home for the Holidays Gift 17G003 Graduate Passed 2016-10-31
Appointment of Joint Undergraduate Cabinet Members 19J019 Joint Passed 2018-08-28
Elections Schedule 19U041 Undergraduate Passed 2019-02-26
FreShGA The Final Stand 2016 17U010 Undergraduate Passed 2016-11-03
Salary/Fringe Increase for Staff 17J091 Joint Passed 2016-11-05
Georgia Tech Day at the Capitol Bus Funding 17U012 Undergraduate Passed 2016-11-08
| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |

Page 20 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 381, ending on 400