Student Government Association



Representative Appointment 13U031 Undergraduate Tabled 2013-02-11
Appointments: Elections Committee '12-'13 13U035 Undergraduate Tabled 2013-03-11
Mental Health Portal Focus Groups Funding (ULR) 13U039 Undergraduate Tabled 2013-04-03
Dean Griffin Day 14U023 Undergraduate Tabled 2013-11-05
Joint Resolution 15J116 Joint Tabled 2015-02-08
Crowd Managers for Global Sports Showcase 15U028 Undergraduate Tabled 2015-03-02
Campus Services: White and Gold Towers Joint Tabled 2014-10-06
Why Am I Here Undergraduate Tabled 2014-11-16
Sustainable catering for SGA 15U025 Undergraduate Tabled 2015-02-16
Resolution in Support of Student Integrity at Georgia Tech 16U022 Undergraduate Tabled 2016-02-01
Resolution to Adopt New Stipend Review Process 15J173 Joint Tabled 2015-03-22
New Computers for SOFO Office 16J104 Joint Tabled 2015-11-05
Good Faith BBQ 17U008 Undergraduate Tabled 2016-10-27
Resolution Affirming the Leadership of President Peterson 16J208 Joint Tabled 2016-03-08
Undergraduate Executive Cabinet Appointments 18U027 Undergraduate Tabled 2017-11-28
I <3 GT Week Additional Funding - WITHDRAWN 17U025 Undergraduate Tabled 2017-03-03
Undergraduate Judicial Council Justice Approval 17U027 Undergraduate Tabled 2017-03-05
Federal Work Study Funding for Position 20J219 Joint Tabled 2020-01-12
SCPC & SGA: Grad Week Event @ Skyline Park 17J224 Joint Tabled 2017-03-13
Get WasteLess 2020 20J324 Joint Tabled 2020-02-24
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Page 2 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40