Student Government Association



CDAC Spring Diversity Conference 24U065 Undergraduate Passed 2024-03-26
Capitol Trip Bus Bill Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2024-03-04
Resolution on the proper usage of SGA, USGA, and GSGA brands 24G024 Graduate Passed 2024-02-29
SGA x STAR Services Emergency Resource Guide 24U053 Undergraduate Passed 2024-02-12
MHJAC Extension Resolution 24J009 Joint Awaiting Author 2024-02-05
Freshman Representatives Meet the Reps. Event 24U057 Undergraduate Passed 2024-01-30
Freshman Representatives Meet the Reps. Event 24U040 Undergraduate Passed 2024-01-09
Table Cloths for SGA Meeting 24U030 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-07
Gavels for UHR Committees 24U031 Undergraduate Failed 2023-11-06
Fall Tech Beautification Day 23 - Catering Request Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2023-10-21
Fall 2023 VP Communications Appointment 24U016 Undergraduate Passed 2023-10-05
House Attendance Resolution 24U008 Undergraduate Agenda 2023-10-01
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Purple Ribbons 24U018 Undergraduate Passed 2023-09-25
GT Hawks Night 24U004 Undergraduate Agenda 2023-09-20
Executive Order to appoint Special Assistant Julianna Velaj Undergraduate Authored 2023-05-15
Resolution of Condolences- Jonathan Joseph 23U070 Undergraduate Passed 2023-04-18
Fall 2023 Elections Schedule 23U069 Undergraduate Passed 2023-04-17
Resolution for AAPI Student Resources on Campus 23J908 Joint Passed 2023-04-11
Botanical Gardens Charter Bus 23U066 Undergraduate Passed 2023-04-11
Anti-Stress Tabling Event 23U067 Undergraduate Passed 2023-04-11
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Page 2 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40