Student Government Association



***JAC*** Non-Invasive Mental Health Application Joint Awaiting Author 2019-05-28
I <3 GT Week (Reimbursement) Undergraduate Authored 2019-04-23
Adoption of the FY20 Tier II/III SAF Budget 19J341 Joint Passed 2019-04-16
2019 Executive Cabinet Appointments 20U002 Undergraduate Passed 2019-04-16
Resolution on Single Transferable Voting for UHR Reps 19U057 Undergraduate Passed 2019-04-16
Recruitment Stipend for all Student Organizations Joint Authored 2019-04-16
Resolution Reaffirming and Declaring the Good Word 19U056 Undergraduate Passed 2019-04-11
***JAC Bill*** The Culture of Respect Collective Joint Authored 2019-04-09
***JAC BILL*** Sexual Violence for Men Prevention Program Joint Authored 2019-04-09
FY20 JFC Policy Updates 19J326 Joint Agenda 2019-04-08
***JAC*** GT1000 Quasi-Controlled Mindfulness Intervention Joint Authored 2019-04-05
Freshman elections for 2019 19U054 Undergraduate Passed 2019-04-05
I <3 GT Week 2019 19U051 Undergraduate Passed 2019-03-26
Bi-Monthly Tabling (Reimbursement) Undergraduate Authored 2019-03-25
A Resolution Expressing Condolences: Brandon A. Adams 19J304 Joint Passed 2019-03-25
Policy Week Keynote Equipment 19U050 Undergraduate Passed 2019-03-24
Approval of Elections Chair 19U047 Undergraduate Passed 2019-03-12
Approval of Elections Committee Members 19U048 Undergraduate Passed 2019-03-12
Resolution on Cultural Food Policy 19J287 Joint Passed 2019-03-11
CDAC Inclusive Leadership Conference 2019 19U052 Undergraduate Passed 2019-03-09
| 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |

Page 15 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 281, ending on 300