Student Government Association



***JAC*** Mindfulness Intervention Study Rollover Request Joint Awaiting Author 2021-11-01
Amendment to SAF- Article IX 23J796 Joint Passed 2023-03-06
***JAC*** Sip n' Craft by Madhatter Knits @ GT Joint Awaiting Author 2024-10-16
Resources for Student Organizations Offices 16J230 Joint Passed 2016-03-15
SGA Padfolio Ordering 14J041 Joint Failed 2013-09-16
Allocation of Stipends for GSGA VP Comm. & UGSGA Dir. of IA 15J093 Joint Passed 2015-01-05
***JAC REQUEST*** Protocall for Counseling Center 18J224 Joint Passed 2018-02-27
***JAC REQUEST*** SWARM Spoon Week & Sculpture Joint Awaiting Author 2019-02-19
Joint Resolution to Approve New Position in L&CE 16J228 Joint Passed 2016-03-21
Modeling Mania 23J398 Joint Agenda 2022-11-08
Joint Allocation to SGA for Jorge Cham Event 12J031 Joint Passed 2011-09-26
Senior Night at the Braves Game 16J227 Joint Passed 2016-03-27
FreShGA Pies for Pause 23J396 Joint Tabled 2022-11-08
PRS System for SGA 12J044 Joint Passed 2011-09-26
SGA Gift to Tech 16J236 Joint Passed 2016-03-28
Appointment of Vice President of Finance (joint) 15J100 Joint Passed 2015-01-12
Resolution on FASET Student Org Fair Registration Subsidies 19J262 Joint Passed 2019-02-24
***JAC*** AMSA Spring Health Fair Joint Awaiting Author 2019-02-25
Freshman Screen on the Green 16J235 Joint Passed 2016-03-31
Ferst Center Agreement Terms 14J049 Joint Passed 2013-09-23
| 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |

Page 11 of 41, showing 20 records out of 808 total, starting on record 201, ending on 220