
  • Tier: III
  • OrgSync: N/A


AIESEC Global Village 12J152 Joint Passed 2012-02-20
Allocation to Undergraduate End of Year Banquet 13U042 Undergraduate Passed 2013-04-08
Resolution Supporting The Atlanta T-SPLOST 12J154 Joint Passed 2012-02-27
HyTech Racing Team- Trailer Bill 12J171 Joint Passed 2012-03-09
GTRIC 13J007 Joint Passed 2012-08-25
FLOcial 16U030 Undergraduate Passed 2016-03-27
Amendments to Undergraduate Executive Branch Bylaw 13U007 Undergraduate Passed 2012-09-14
Student Media Marketing and Sales Coordinator 13J078 Joint Passed 2012-10-28
freShGA One Night Stand 13J082 Joint Passed 2012-10-28
freShGA One Night Stand 13U018 Undergraduate Passed 2012-11-02
Omicron Delta Kappa Georgia Tech Leadership Conf 13J133 Joint Passed 2013-01-13
Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service 2013 13J108 Joint Passed 2012-11-28
Alternative Spring Break Transportation Expenses 13J123 Joint Passed 2013-01-21
Resolution Supporting Compliance with the HOEA 13J142 Joint Passed 2013-02-17
Student Government Association Day 13U032 Undergraduate Passed 2013-02-24
Resolution Celebrating James M Hickerson 13J177 Joint Passed 2013-03-04
Hispanic Scholarship Fund Bill 13J201 Joint Passed 2013-03-31
Friday Buzz 13U036 Undergraduate Passed 2013-03-31
International Student Football Clinic Funding 13U037 Undergraduate Passed 2013-03-31
Allocation to SGA vs. RHA Football Game 13U040 Undergraduate Passed 2013-04-08
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Page 2 of 4, showing 20 records out of 61 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40