Yellow Jacket Fencing Club



Yellow Jacket Fencing Club Armory Sanitization 21J146 Joint Agenda 2021-03-25
2021 Georgia State Games Fencing Championships 22J074 Joint Agenda 2021-09-20
Fall 2021 Armory Bill 22J103 Joint Agenda 2021-09-17
2021 Tiger Open 22J111 Joint Agenda 2021-09-18
Athens Fencing Open 2021 22J128 Joint Agenda 2021-10-04
Crescent City Open 2021 22J192 Joint Agenda 2021-10-30
Coach Payment Bill 22J318 Joint Agenda 2022-01-11
2022 UGA Open- Fencing Tournament 22J278 Joint Agenda 2022-01-11
55th Annual Green Gator 22J343 Joint Agenda 2022-01-27
Southern Intercollegiate FA Championships 22J339 Joint Agenda 2022-01-27
USACFC Championships Team Registration 22J319 Joint Agenda 2022-01-27
Yellow Jacket Fencing ClubTournament Fee 12J039 Joint Passed 2011-09-21
Yellow Jacket Fencing - Equipment Order 12J034 Joint Passed 2011-09-23
Yellow Jacket Fencing - Equipment Order 13J035 Joint Passed 2012-09-21
Fencing Club Emergency Bill for Background Checks 14J002 Joint Passed 2013-08-12
Yellow Jacket Fencing Club Tournament Supplies 20J132 Joint Passed 2019-10-08
New Protective Masks for the Yellow Jacket Fencing Club 14J138 Joint Passed 2014-02-09
Fencing Club Bill for Background Checks 15J030 Joint Passed 2014-09-11
Volunteer Open Fencing Tournament 20J260 Joint Passed 2020-01-23
Yellow Jacket Fencing Club Armory 20J308 Joint Passed 2020-02-13
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Page 1 of 3, showing 20 records out of 45 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20