Yellow Jacket Fencing Club



Fencing Bill for Spring Tournaments 17J127 Joint Passed 2017-01-13
Conductive Equipment Bill 18J269 Joint Passed 2018-04-02
Necessary Safety Equipment Bill 19J102 Joint Passed 2018-10-13
2019 Szathmary Open Fencing Tournament 20J078 Joint Passed 2019-09-13
Fencing Armory 20J083 Joint Passed 2019-09-17
UGA open tournament 20J212 Joint Passed 2019-12-03
Fall 2022 Armory Bill 23J243 Joint Passed 2022-09-28
Tiger Open 2022 Fencing Tournament 23J260 Joint Passed 2022-10-03
Emory's 1st Annual Fall Dooley Duel Tournament 23J347 Joint Passed 2022-10-25
7th Annual Orange & Blue Tournament 23J393 Joint Passed 2022-11-07
3rd Annual Emory Collegiate Memorial for NAMI Tournament 23J534 Joint Passed 2023-01-17
2023 Collegiate Fencing Clubs Championship Team Registration 23J592 Joint Passed 2023-01-26
13th Annual Yellow Jacket Open CRC Space Reservation 23J590 Joint Passed 2023-01-26
1st Annual Bruce Capin Memorial Brawl Tournament 23J585 Joint Passed 2023-01-26
Yellow Jacket Fencing Club Armory Sanitization 21J146 Joint Agenda 2021-03-25
2021 Georgia State Games Fencing Championships 22J074 Joint Agenda 2021-09-20
Fall 2021 Armory Bill 22J103 Joint Agenda 2021-09-17
2021 Tiger Open 22J111 Joint Agenda 2021-09-18
Athens Fencing Open 2021 22J128 Joint Agenda 2021-10-04
Crescent City Open 2021 22J192 Joint Agenda 2021-10-30
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Page 2 of 3, showing 20 records out of 45 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40