GT Solar Racing



GT Solar Racing Array BIll 20J335 Joint Agenda 2020-03-02
Tires and registration fee for ASC race 21J099 Joint Agenda 2021-01-29
GT Solar Racing SR-4 Build Bill 22J250 Joint Agenda 2021-11-23
SR-4 Battery Pack Bill 22J490 Joint Agenda 2022-03-17
MPPTs for Solar Array Joint Created
Solar Jackets American Solar Challenge Bill 12J089 Joint Passed 2011-11-06
Joint Allocation for the Solar Jackets 12J207 Joint Passed 2012-04-07
Solar Jackets Racing Fees and Supplies 13J158 Joint Passed 2013-02-23
SR-4 General Development and Shop Bill - Missing Item 23J790A Joint Passed 2023-03-17
Solar Jackets Electrical Funding Request 9/2013 14J036 Joint Passed 2013-09-08
Joint Allocation for SolarJackets Summer 2014 Races 14J139 Joint Passed 2014-02-09
Georgia Tech Solar Racing Budget Rescission/Motor Repair 14J215 Joint Passed 2014-04-14
GT Solar Racing Manufacturing Bill 15J118 Joint Passed 2015-02-02
GT Solar Racing Motor Bill 16J077 Joint Passed 2015-10-04
Li-ion Batteries for GTSR 17J240 Joint Passed 2017-03-31
GT Solar Racing Composites Fabrication Bill 16J239 Joint Passed 2016-04-02
GTSR New Wheel 18J131 Joint Passed 2017-11-10
GT Solar Racing Aerobody Construction 19J086 Joint Passed 2018-10-05
Solar Array for GT Solar Racing 18J210 Joint Passed 2018-02-16
GT Solar Racing Solar Array 19J222 Joint Passed 2019-01-29
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Page 1 of 2, showing 20 records out of 31 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20