DramaTech Theatre



Clary Theatre Rental 23J059 Joint Tabled 2022-07-12
Purchase of Microphone Equipment for DramaTech The 13J056 Joint Passed 2012-10-07
DramaTech Theater Shop Tool Replacement 15J196 Joint Passed 2015-04-05
Purchase of Curtains for DramaTech Theatre 14J133 Joint Passed 2014-01-21
Dramatech Communications Update 16J125C Joint Passed 2015-11-18
Diviners Lighting Bill 23J286 Joint Passed 2022-10-10
The Diviners Programs and Cables 23J330 Joint Passed 2022-10-24
Dramatech’s Improve Troupe Competing in National Tournamen 17J124 Joint Passed 2017-01-10
Dramatech Lobby Redesign 18J279 Joint Passed 2018-04-10
DramaTech Microphone Replacement 19J075 Joint Passed 2018-09-27
DramaTech Theatre Spring 2023 Rent Directors and Misc. 23J490 Joint Passed 2023-01-10
DramaTech Theatre RENT Wood Order and Lighting Board Rental 23J570 Joint Passed 2023-01-24
DramaTech Riser Resumbmission 19J202 Joint Passed 2019-01-15
Lobby Redesign Bill 20J089C Joint Passed 2019-09-25
Harvard Improv Festival 20J106 Joint Passed 2019-09-26
RENT Programs 23J799 Joint Passed 2023-03-06
Repairs for Genie Lift 23J195 Joint Passed 2022-09-19
The Diviners Scenery Materials 23J265 Joint Passed 2022-10-05
RENT Wood Order, GTIF Event, and Permanent Lighting Board 23J639 Joint Passed 2023-02-06
Dramatech Risers 18J277 Joint Failed 2018-04-10
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Page 1 of 2, showing 20 records out of 35 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20