


Member Social Club Expenses 21J159 Joint Agenda 2021-04-12
Aarohi Week of Welcome 22J059 Joint Agenda 2021-08-10
Aarohi Fall Semesterly Concert 22J155 Joint Agenda 2021-10-08
Aarohi Fall Concert 22J191 Joint Agenda 2021-10-28
Aarohi Member Bonding Event 22J213 Joint Agenda 2021-11-02
Photography for Aarohi’s Sadhana Semester concert 23J872 Joint Agenda 2023-03-30
Aarohi Jam Session Event Joint Awaiting Author 2021-10-04
ExtraSpace Storage Request for Aarohi Joint Awaiting Author 2023-04-24
Abhishek Raghuram Concert on 4/16 23J812 Joint Failed 2023-03-08
Aarohi hosts R. Suryaprakash on 4/29 23J814 Joint Failed 2023-03-09
Khayaal 2013 14J073 Joint Passed 2013-10-04
Khayaal 2017 17J134 Joint Passed 2017-01-05
Khayaal 2015 15J078 Joint Passed 2014-11-14
Aarohi Open-Mic Night 17J230 Joint Passed 2017-03-24
Aarohi Sound and Stage Equipment Storage 22J527 Joint Passed 2022-04-04
Lecture Demonstration: T. M. Krishna hosted by Aarohi 23J193 Joint Passed 2022-09-19
Sāhityam - Fall 2022 Aarohi Concert 23J357 Joint Passed 2022-10-28
4/9 Aarohi Semester Concert 23J798 Joint Passed 2023-03-06
Aarohi Jam Session on 3/31 23J817 Joint Passed 2023-03-10
Aarohi hosts R. Suryaprakash on 4/29 23J877 Joint Passed 2023-04-01
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Page 1 of 2, showing 20 records out of 26 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20