Student Government Association



Transfer Student Paint and Sip Social 25U023 Undergraduate Passed 2024-10-07
The Graduate Student Inclusion and Representation Act 23G020 Graduate Agenda 2023-02-23
The Giveaways Reform Act Joint Created
The Giveaways Reform Act 25J020 Joint Passed 2025-02-11
The Final Stand (FreShGA) 20U030 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-10-28
The Buzz about Leadership 20U034 Undergraduate Tabled 2019-11-11
Tech Treasure 17U042 Undergraduate Tabled 2017-04-16
Tech Square Tabling Event 24U032 Undergraduate Passed 2023-10-31
Tables for Student Organization Tabling Fair 20J195 Joint Tabled 2019-11-14
T-Shirt Funding for FreShGA 23U003 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-08-25
Supplemental Funding for SGA Retreat Food 20U055 Undergraduate Passed 2020-02-04
Summer 2024 JVP Finance Appointment 24U075 Undergraduate Passed 2024-05-28
Summaries for Executive Cabinet Meetings - Bylaws Amendment 21U038 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-03-23
Student Government Association - Public Health Committee 25U039 Undergraduate Passed 2024-11-10
Student Activity Fee Prior Year and Capital Outlay Cap 24J002 Joint Tabled 2023-09-12
Student Activity Fee Prior Year and Capital Outlay Cap 24J002 Joint Passed 2023-09-12
Steeped in Love 25U059 Undergraduate Passed 2025-02-11
Standing Tree for Survivors: JAC Proposal 20J269 Joint Agenda 2020-01-15
Standing Tree for Survivors: JAC Proposal Joint Awaiting Author 2020-01-15
Spring Rollover Process Amendment 25J018 Joint Passed 2025-01-10
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Page 4 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 61, ending on 80