Student Government Association



Additional Stipends for Organizations 20J190 Joint Passed 2019-11-14
ADOPTION OF THE FY18 TIER II/III SAF BUDGET 17J252 Joint Passed 2017-04-09
ADOPTION OF THE FY19 TIER II/III SAF BUDGET 18J272 Joint Passed 2018-04-16
AI@GT Summit Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2024-11-24
Amendment of the Joint Governance Policy - IT Board 21J149 Joint Agenda 2021-04-04
Amendment to Undergraduate SGA Bylaws regarding tabling 20U029 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-11-03
Annual Executive Branch Bylaws Review 22U046 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-03-29
Appointment Committee Recusal Amendment Undergraduate Created
Appointment Committee Recusal Amendment 24U066 Undergraduate Agenda 2024-03-29
Appointment of 2022 UJC Chief Justice - Isabel Knofczynski Undergraduate Authored 2021-12-12
Appointment of 2025 UJC Chief Justice- Eric Van Ness 25U051 Undergraduate Passed 2025-01-29
Appointment of a Graduate JFC Member [Elizaveta Gonchar] 21G011 Graduate Passed 2020-09-07
Appointment of a Subject Matter Expert for JFC [Comp Eng] 21J013 Joint Passed 2020-09-07
Appointment of a Subject Matter Expert for JFC [Events] 21J014 Joint Passed 2020-09-07
Appointment of an Undergraduate JFC Member 22U043 Undergraduate Agenda 2022-03-08
Appointment of an Undergraduate JFC Member [Isha Palakurthy] 21U005 Undergraduate Passed 2020-09-07
Appointment of an Undergraduate JFC Member [Wilson Hobbs] 21U006 Undergraduate Passed 2020-09-07
Appointment of SGA Joint Vice Presidents 17J258 Joint Passed 2017-04-24
Appointment of Simran Patel as JVP CO 25J025 Joint Passed 2025-02-28
Appointment of the Undergraduate Chief Justice 18U057 Undergraduate Passed 2018-04-17
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Page 5 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 81, ending on 100