Student Government Association



***JAC*** Bookmobile 23J629 Joint Agenda 2023-01-31
***JAC*** SCPC Midnight Breakfast/Relaxation Fest Joint Awaiting Author 2024-11-08
SCPC & SGA -- Hawks v. Celtics Game 18J075 Joint Passed 2017-10-10
GT Day at the Zoo 18J081 Joint Passed 2017-10-16
*CMDJAC* - Funding Request for Hammocks on Tech Green Joint Created
*CMDJAC* - Funding Request for Temporary Bike Racks 25J014 Joint Passed 2024-12-03
***JAC*** Positivity Pumpkin Patch Joint Awaiting Author 2020-10-15
*CMDJAC* - Funding Request for Hammocks on Tech Green 25J013 Joint Passed 2024-12-03
*CMDJAC* - Funding Request for Piezoelectric Sidewalk Tiles Joint Authored 2024-12-03
RSO Bill Cap Increase 25J019 Joint Passed 2025-01-10
Spring Rollover Process Amendment 25J018 Joint Passed 2025-01-10
FY25 Spring Rollover & Encumbrance Process Cancellation 25J017 Joint Passed 2025-01-10
***JAC*** ORGT Mindfulness Outdoors Joint Awaiting Author 2020-02-06
FY26 Budget Cap Proposal 25J016 Joint Passed 2025-01-10
Joint Resolution to Transfer IRA Reserves into PY Account 24J006 Joint Agenda 2023-11-09
Budget Review Session Exception 25J015 Joint Passed 2025-01-10
Extension of Executive Order On Financial Allocation - Nov. 21J066 Joint Passed 2020-10-26
Resolution of Condolences, Dr. Darcy Mullen 21J067 Joint Passed 2020-10-26
Establishing a Chair of the Joint Finance Committee 22J276 Joint Agenda 2021-11-16
Resolution in Support of International Students and Postdocs 21J068 Joint Passed 2020-10-26
| 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |

Page 7 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 121, ending on 140